đź’ˇ Applicable to: All
This policy takes account of the Residential Holiday Schemes for Disabled Children (England) Regulations (2013) and the National Minimum Standards for Residential Holiday Schemes for Disabled Children (Department for Education).
This policy has been approved by the OMH Board of Trustees
Each OMH holiday has a designated health and safety officer, who is currently, and until further notice:
- Oundle Summer Holiday: Andrew Fahrenheim
- Mencap Outdoors: Ally Itani
This person has general oversight of all health and safety issues.
Policy Statement
OMH is takes all reasonable steps to secure the health and safety of holiday makers, volunteers and visitors to the schemes. We adopt any health and safety guidelines issued by our host organisations and, when necessary, sponsor training for volunteers so that we can draw on their skills during the holidays.
Activity risk assessment
- A named individual is responsible for undertaking a risk assessment for each holiday. The risk assessment is written with consideration of:
- The hazards that may occur
- The people or groups that may be affected
- The risk i.e. the likelihood and severity
- The control measures
- knowledge of the workings of the holiday (including activities planned), the staff & holiday makers, the equipment, and the environment.
- The risk assessment is documented and reviewed at least annually.
- Review of risk assessments takes into account any accidents or near misses that were reported on the previous holiday.
- Where trips and activities occur in a new setting, OMH seeks risk assessments from the host organisation and, where reasonably practicable, the site is visited in advance of the holiday to judge its suitability and assess risks.
Individual Risk Assessment
- For children’s holidays, each individual Holiday Maker has a personal care plan and risk assessment. The care plan contains their PEEP, key medical information, dietary requirements, as well as strategies for managing potential situations which may cause distress or behaviours that challenge.
- In the case of new Holiday Makers, initial information about their specific needs comes from the application form. This is then used to draw up Care Plans in collaboration with face to face meetings with parents/carers and young people where possible.
- Those Holiday Makers who have known behviours that may challenge or additional physical support needs have in addition to their care plan a behaviour / moving and handling risk assessment.
Risk Management
For children’s holidays, the risk assessment is mandatory reading for all senior helpers and group leaders and is circulated to them in advance of the week to allow time for careful study and clarification if necessary. It is also available on site for the duration of the holiday where it is accessible for all to read. Group leaders are responsible for disseminating the information to the volunteers in their group. For Mencap Outdoors, the risk assessment is mandatory reading for all staff and is circulated to them in advance of the holiday.