<aside> đź’ˇ Applicable to: All

This policy takes account of the Residential Holiday Schemes for Disabled Children (England) Regulations (2013) and the National Minimum Standards for Residential Holiday Schemes for Disabled Children (Department for Education).

This policy has been approved by the OMH Board of Trustees


Objects of the Society

The objects of the Society, as drawn from the OMH Memorandum and Articles of Association, are:

  1. The relief of people with a learning disability in particular by the provision of help and support for them and for their families, dependants and carers;
  2. To provide or assist in the provision of facilities for the recreation or other leisure time occupation for people who have need thereof by reason of learning disability with the object of improving their conditions of life.

Where “learning disability” means any developmental disability of the mind and any associated condition howsoever caused and whether mild, moderate or severe.

Policy Statement

OMH is dedicated to the care and well-being of holidaymakers and also to providing opportunities to young volunteers. Our governance systems are designed to ensure that we continue to meet the highest standards, securing the future of the organisation and providing continuity of respite care to families. We strive for professionalism as an organisation, respecting the contribution of all volunteers equally.

Governing Groups

In the descriptions of the main groups of individuals who provide oversight of the organisation, please note that any one individual may belong to more than one of the listed categories.

  1. Trustees (including the Responsible Individual)

The OMH Board of Trustees consists of Trustees in the following categories:

Flexible number of co-opted trustees (elected every 4 years), Oundle School Representative , Senior Helper Representative (elected every 2 years), Parent Representative (elected very 2 years), External Trustee (elected every 2 years). All long-term trustees are also company directors.

Each trustee can stand for election for a second term of office. A trustee may serve for longer than 2 terms in exceptional circumstances which must be justified at the AGM.

The Registered Manager should be invited to trustee meetings but is not necessarily a trustee and so does not have a voting right as Registered Manager.

From within the trustees the following roles should be covered: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Responsible Individual.

Trustees take responsibility for the management of the charitable organisation that is OMH including: appropriate disbursement of funds towards charitable ends; oversight of fundraising activities; compliance with Charity Commission and Companies House regulations; oversight of affiliation relationship with Mencap; formulation of policies; oversight of Registered Manager.

Trustees other responsibilities include: